VishwaCTF 2023

Last month, I had the opportunity to participate in my first team CTF (Capture The Flag), named VishwaCTF, conducted by CyberCell VIIT.
Our expectations were low since my team (Safiya Amin, Jahan Chaware, Rhutuj Bhoir) and I had no experience in this type of event.
However, I was pleasantly surprised when we were in the top 10% of nearly 2000 participants.
The competition was challenging and required us to think creatively. The challenges were unique and gave a sense of rush after solving them.
I found two OSINT flags and one flag each from the Forensics and Web categories.
To obtain these flags, I had to find hidden clues in the challenge descriptions, solve crazy riddles, reverse voice files, de-encrypt images, and search for old bollywood movies like Zameen.
Sometimes, all it needed was a Google search and some common sense!
There are many amazing challenges I couldn't crack, where I had to spend hours piecing together parts of a QR code scattered in a video!
You can view the challenges and their write-ups here.
Overall, I gained valuable skills and knowledge from this CTF. I recommend anyone interested in cybersecurity or looking to challenge themselves to participate in CTFs.
You can find active CTFs from sites like ctftime. You can practice from many sites like picoctf, hackthebox, hackthissite, etc.

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VishwaCTF 2023 Certificate
Ranking and Team
Ranking and Team