@echo off set file_path=D:\Users\5herl0ck\Downloads cd /d %file_path% :start echo If y0ur file's path is different, change it n0w. echo The current direct0ry is: %cd% echo If y0u want t0 stay in the current direct0ry, type a d0t (.) echo. set /p file_path= cd /d %file_path% echo You are currently in: %cd% echo. set /p traversal="Still want to change y0ur current direct0ry (y/n)? " if %traversal%==y (goto start) if %traversal%==n (echo 0nwards, s0ldier!!) set /p show_files="D0 y0u want t0 see all files in this direct0ry (y/n)? " if %show_files%==y (@echo on && dir "%file_path%" && @echo off) if %show_files%==n (echo W0w, y0u have a g00d mem0ry! && echo.) set /p file_name="Enter any file name fr0m the ab0ve list (You can type the starting part and hit TAB to autocomplete): " echo. set hash_algo=MD5 set /p hash_algo="Enter hash alg0rithm (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, etc), type md5 if you're not sure: " echo. certutil -hashfile %file_name% %hash_algo% echo. set /p next_step="D0 y0u want t0 find the hash f0r an0ther file (y/n)? " echo. if %next_step%==y (goto start) if %next_step%==n (echo G00dbye! Press any key t0 exit... && pause>nul)