@echo off set /p killing="D0 y0u want t0 kill startup apps? (y/n) " if %killing%==n (echo Sure, I will spare them... F0R N0WWW!!!) if %killing%==y ( taskkill /im "PhoneExperienceHost.exe" /t /f echo RIP Phone Link... taskkill /im "Grammarly.Desktop.exe" /t /f echo RIP Grammarly... taskkill /im "WiseMemoryOptimzer.exe" /t /f echo RIP Wise Memory Optimizer... taskkill /im "DSATray.exe" /t /f echo RIP Intel Driver Assistant... taskkill /im "Spotify.exe" /t /f echo RIP Spotify... REM taskkill /im "Cloudflare WARP.exe" /t /f REM echo RIP Cloudflare WARP... ) set /p more_killing="D0 y0u want t0 kill any m0re pr0cesses? (y/n) " if %more_killing%==n (echo G00dbye! Press any key t0 exit... && pause>nul) if %more_killing%==y ( rem The part below this line is not working. Will have to find a way to pass the variable "search" into the find / findstr command. set /p search="G0 0n, enter the applicati0n name. I will search f0r it's pr0cess: " tasklist /v | findstr /i "!search!" echo Done! pause>nul )