I contributed a little bit for this project. At first, we thought of using a Wi-Fi module to send the data
collected by sensors to a local server, from where it can be controlled.
I took upon myself to look into the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. But understanding the inbuilt HAL functions of
STM32 in such short time period was difficult. So, we had to leave it as a future functionality to make this
project an IoT project.
We used an STM32F303RE microcontroller, a soil moisture and rain sensor, a relay, a motor pump, and a buzzer
in the place of LED for indicating the user.
This smart device is capable of detecting whether the soil is wet or dry using the soil moisture sensor. It
senses rain intensity using the rain sensor.
The water supply is turned on only when the soil is dry and rain intensity is low. In all the other three
cases, the water supply will be shut off.
There is a presentation, and a report for this project.